About Severe M.E. Day

Severe M.E. Day is on August 8th, and is a day of awareness and visibility for those people living with severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.). It is also a time to remember those who have lost their lives.

Severe M.E. Day is also referred to as ‘Severe M.E. Awareness Day’.

Severe M.E. Day was established by the 25% M.E. Group, a charity in Scotland (UK). They chose the 8th of August because it is the birth date of the late Sophia Mirza (1973 – 2005).

“What’s the significance of 8th August?

This is the birth date of Sophia Mirza. Sophia was bed-bound with severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and was a victim of medical abuse. Her doctors did not believe that M.E. was a physical disease and so she was forcibly taken from her bed/home by social workers, police officers and doctors, and kept in a psychiatric facility where she received inappropriate treatment and care. Sophia subsequently died of M.E. at the age of 32. Her post-mortem revealed widespread inflammation in the spinal cord (ganglionitis). You can read Sophia’s story here www.sophiaandme.org.uk” 
Source: ‘Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Understanding and Remembrance Day (8th August)’ by 25% M.E. Group

Sophia’s mother, Críona Wilson, wrote a biography of Sophia.
sophiaandme.org.uk/sophia & m.e. her story

You can read more about how Severe M.E. Day came to be here: 
http://www.sophiaandme.org.uk/rememberance day.html

In Australia, M.E. is currently referred to as ME/CFS by researchers, government agencies, health professionals, and most patient organisations.